Poem: Daybreak

By Allison Stein

Enriched by melodies of birds chirping and rays of sunshine kissing my cheeks, I opened my eyes: The morning held unmatched potential, glistened with brilliant possibility. Any medium other than poetry would have been inadequate to capture nature’s magic. The raw beauty of dawn was mesmerizing, serene, empowering – a memory that begged to be crystallized in words:


I awake to the scent of lilacs
Wafting through the screened window;
At dawn, I scamper outside to greet the day.
I spend a moment absorbing the surrounding beauty
And marveling at spring’s magic.
A whiff of morning air strengthens my ambition.

The alluring sky swipes my attention.
Faint stars fade into invisibility;
A tint of pastel orange gleams
Barely above the skyline;
A silhouette of the moon
Is still chalked across the horizon.

The tranquility of daybreak enchants me,
The intricacy of salmon-colored blossoms
On apple trees mesmerizes me,
And barn swallows composing songs of glory
Leave me awestruck.
I feel safe in the realm of nature.

Maroon tulips are drizzled with dew,
And speckled robins’ eggs glisten.
Wet grass shimmers in the vanishing moonlight;
The blades tickle my bare ankles
As I dream of today’s infinite possibilities.
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